An Iraqi family stands outside the rubble of their home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi family stands outside the rubble of their home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi woman drags a plate of sheet metal past the rubble of houses in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi woman drags a plate of sheet metal past the rubble of houses in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi man walks past the rubble of his home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi man walks past the rubble of his home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi girl holds pliers and a water bottle as she stands on the rubble of her home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi girl holds pliers and a water bottle as she stands on the rubble of her home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi family sits on the rubble of their home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi family sits on the rubble of their home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi girl sits by the rubble of her home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi girl sits by the rubble of her home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi family sits on the rubble of their home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
An Iraqi family sits on the rubble of their home in the village of Barzan, in the Zummar area of Nineveh province, northwest of Mosul, on October 27, 2017. Iraqi forces mounted a new assault on October 26 against Kurdish fighters in the strategic Zummar, tightening the screws after seizing swathes of territory in a lightning advance since mid-October. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE
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«عكاظ»،أ ف ب(بغداد، أوتاوا)
انتزعت القوات العراقية 40 بئراً نفطية من أصل 44 غربي الموصل أمس (السبت)، كانت تسيطر عليها قوات البيشمركة. وأكدت القوات المشتركة إحكام السيطرة على هذه المواقع خلال العملية العسكرية الأخيرة في ناحية زمّار التابعة لتلعفر، مشيرة إلى إرسال طواقم هندسية مختصة بعمليات تشغيل الآبار لضمان استمرار العمل فيها.

وقد بدأ مسؤولون عسكريون عراقيون وأكراد اجتماعات أمس، للتفاوض حيال انسحاب قوات البيشمركة من المناطق المتنازع عليها بين بغداد وأربيل ونشر قوات اتحادية، بحسب ما أفاد المتحدث باسم الحكومة العراقية سعد الحديثي. وقال الحديثي إن مهمة الفريق المشترك الأساسية هي تهيئة عملية انتشار القوات الاتحادية في المناطق الحدودية من دون اشتباكات. وأضاف أن هناك لقاءات بين قادة القوات الاتحادية والبيشمركة للقيام بإعادة الانتشار في هذه المناطق الحدودية بسلاسة وانسيابية. وكان رئيس الوزراء العراقي حيدر العبادي أمر مساء أمس الأول بإيقاف حركة القوات العسكرية لمدة 24 ساعة في المناطق المتنازع عليها لمنع الصدام وإراقة الدماء بين أبناء الوطن الواحد.

في غضون ذلك، عثرت قيادة العمليات المشتركة على مقبرة جماعية، تضم 50 جثة لعناصر من الجيش والشرطة داخل قضاء الحويجة. وأضافت في بيان أمس، أن «داعش» أعدم عناصر القوات الحكومية في قرية البكارة وسط الحويجة خلال هجمات إرهابية، شنها على مناطق جنوب غربي كركوك. من جهة أخرى، علقت القوات الخاصة الكندية مساعدتها العسكرية مؤقتا إلى العراق بسبب التوتر بين بغداد وأربيل.